Reset Password

A password you can’t remember may ruin your day, especially if it’s for something as crucial as the NCEd Cloud, a platform many staff members, instructors, and students utilize in the North Carolina education system. With this instruction, you can quickly and securely reset your NCEdCloud password and have back access.

How to Reset Password:

Follow the below steps to retrieve your password successfully:

  • Go to Login Page: Visit the NCedCloud login page directly.
  • Select ‘Forgot My Password’: Click the “Forgot My Password” link below the login fields to start the process.
  • Enter Your UID: Input your User Identification Number (UID) as provided by your school or administrative department.
  • Verify Your Identity: Follow the on-screen instructions, which may include answering security questions or verifying a code sent to your registered email or phone.
  • Create a New Password: Choose a new, strong password combining uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
  • Confirm Your Password: Re-enter your new password to confirm it.
  • Complete the Reset: After confirmation, you’ll be notified that your password has been reset.

After resetting the password, you can log in with new credentials and access all the features.


Resetting your NCedCloud password is a straightforward process designed to help you regain access quickly and securely. Should you encounter any difficulties, don’t hesitate to contact your school’s IT support team for assistance. Remember, maintaining the security of your digital accounts is crucial; always keep your passwords confidential and update them regularly.


What if I don’t know my UID?

If you do not know your UID, please contact your school’s administration or IT department. They can provide you with this information and offer further assistance.

Can I reset my password from a mobile device?

Yes, the NCedCloud platform is accessible from any device with internet connectivity. You can follow the same steps to reset your password from a mobile phone or tablet.